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Workflow Processes:

  • Create a Parts List for Pressure Networks

    This process outlines the tasks to create and setup a Pressure Pipe parts list. A parts list is a subset of parts defined from a parts catalog that are to be used on a project. Part lists can be created unique to a project drawing or defined in the template drawing to be used on many similar projects.

    View the video on Creating a Pressure Network Parts List.

  • Layout Pressure Pipe Network (in Plan)

    This process outlines the tasks to layout a pressure network using the Pressure Part plan layout tools. Locate pressure pipes, fittings, and appurtenances for the pressure network in the plan view of the project drawing. After all parts are laid out for the pressure network use the profile layout tools to set the pipe grades and elevations.

  • Edit Pressure Pipe Network (in Profile)

    This process outlines the tasks to layout the vertical grade/elevation for a pressure network using the Pressure Part profile layout tools. Add pressure pipes, pipe bends, and appurtenances for the pressure network in the profile view of the project drawing.

  • Add Pressure Network Labels & Tables

    This process includes tasks and steps for labeling pressure network parts. Label parts individually, or an entire pressure network.

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