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Workflow Processes:

  • Import Point Cloud

    In ReCap you can import a number of Point Cloud file types. Depending on the types of files you’re working with, whether it be structured, or non-structured scans, you’ll follow a very similar workflow. The primary exception with un-structured scans is that these point cloud files do not require registering.
    To create a Point Cloud project, determine where you want to put the files. You’ll need to establish a working folder, which can be isolated from other ReCap projects, or it can be a shared folder with other ReCap projects.

    Importing, registering, and indexing can take an extensive amount of time to complete. The duration for this process will depend on the number and size of scans that you add to your project.

    To help you understand these concepts better, view the how-to videos on:
    Understanding the Scan Project Workflow
    Automatically Registering Scans
    Indexing Scans
    Understanding Manual Scan Registration
    Manually Registering Scans

  • View and Navigate Project

    Now that your ReCap project has been created, use the tasks outlined in this process to guide you through basic navigation of your Point Cloud. There are a number of tools that you can use the navigate and inspect Point Clouds in ReCap, and those listed here are the most common.

    To help you understand these concepts better, view the how-to videos on:
    Creating view states
    Using the mini-map
    Viewing and Navigation

  • Add Measure Dimensions

    To query measurements and angles in your Point Cloud, use the dimension tools. These can be found on the context toolbar. Distance measurements can be performed in RealView and 3D View, while angle measurements can only be done in 3D View.

    To help you understand these concepts better, view the how-to videos on:
    Adding Distance Dimensions to a Point Cloud
    Measuring Angles

  • Sharing Point Cloud

    Point Cloud projects can be shared in a number of ways. Depending on the level of sharing needed, and Autodesk services available to you and your team, you can share locally or via Autodesk Construction Cloud.

    Sharing a ReCap project locally, or on a network drive, can be done using SaveAs, or the Export tool in ReCap. The tool that you use will depend on the downstream purpose of the project. If sharing with other ReCap users, you might consider the SaveAs option. If sharing with others using different software applications, you may look at the Export options.

    For collaborators using Autodesk Construction Cloud, you can publish your ReCap project to Autodesk Drive or Autodesk Docs. This creates a copy of the ReCap project that others can view in the ReCap online viewer. This option is best for realtime collaboration, as users can add markups and notes using the ReCap online viewer, and project updates can be pushed in both directions.

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