Published September 13th, 2021

6 AEC Collaboration Tools in Pinnacle Series

Want the latest AEC&M insights as they develop?

Here are some of the useful AEC collaboration tools you’ll find in Pinnacle Series:

  1. Work Groups
  2. Custom content
  3. Internal experts
  4. Social features
  5. Notification center
  6. Consistent training across locations

Let’s dive into more info about each of these AEC collaboration tools.

Work Groups

Work Groups are a core feature for project management and collaboration inside Pinnacle Series. They enable internal users and outside subcontractors to store all project-related information, details, and updates in the same place with unlimited cloud storage. This way, your teams can easily collaborate with independent contractors — without giving the external users full access to the knowledge management system. In addition, each Work Group has a discussion board where users can chat about the project.

Custom content

Because Pinnacle Series allows administrators to upload custom documents, videos, and more, it’s a great way to ensure everyone has the most up-to-date information on any given company topic. Custom content can be delivered in a variety of ways, and the platform itself can even be designed to highlight specific categories or pieces of content for easy viewing. Since different AEC organizations can have different standards and best practices, Pinnacle Series can help smooth out the collaboration kinks by giving everyone easy access to the same knowledge. No more confusion about the best way to get something done!

Internal experts

Every team has that employee who’s the go-to person for help with a specific topic. But for new employees, it’s not always clear who they should go to with their questions or if they get stuck on a project. Make it easy by designating those top employees as subject-matter experts on their topic of choice! If there isn’t custom content available on a topic, users can reach out to these experts with any questions or issues they have and get the help they need.

Social features

Just like on social media, Pinnacle Series users can like, share, and comment on any content within Pinnacle Series. This way, if they have a question about something, it can be asked, answered, and hopefully used to help other employees who may have the same question in the future! Pinnacle Series makes sharing especially easy, and allows users to share content with a direct link that delivers the information right to the other user.

Notification center

Information can flow a mile a minute, so it isn’t unusual for someone to ask, “Wait, did I miss a memo?” The Pinnacle Series notification center helps ensure that no one misses important announcements. For example, admins can send automatic or manual notifications when there’s a new assignment or course content or a live event is scheduled.

Consistent training across locations

In a world where distributed workforces are more common than ever, you need a way to ensure that all employees are working with the same skillsets or can find consistent answers. This is where Pinnacle Series really shines. Not only does our e-learning system have thousands of training assets for dozens of AEC software programs, but we also enable employees to personalize learning based on the knowledge they already have. All they have to do is take a KnowledgeSmart assessment to verify the skills they already know. This way, we can fill each employee’s unique skills gaps without forcing anyone to waste time re-learning content.

If you’re a current Pinnacle Series customer, log in now to take advantage of these AEC collaboration tools!

Want to see these AEC collaboration features in action for yourself? Schedule a demo or pilot of Pinnacle Series with us today!