Category: General

An employee raises her hand in a knowledge sharing training session.

How Training Builds a Culture of Employee Retention

In the face of a labor shortage, keeping top talent is crucial. A strong learning and development strategy can help. The skills gap is looming over the construction and manufacturing industries. The retirement of skilled workers and the low rates of interest from younger generations means that the construction industry

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Manufacturing employees participating in training.

Why Training Is the Solution to the Manufacturing Skills Gap

As the industry becomes more technologically complex, manufacturers need to upskill their workforce before they fall out of date. A boom in manufacturing demand, increased retirement of seasoned workers, and low recruitment from the incoming generation of the labor force are combining to create a critical shortage in qualified labor.

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Tips for communicating between multiple offices.

Do’s and Don’ts for Communication Between Multiple Offices

Improve the way your company’s locations interact with each other. Communication can be difficult in the best of times, and when you have multiple office or site locations, it can be even more challenging! That’s why we’re collecting some of our team’s top “Do’s and Don’ts” for organizational communication. It

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How to Ensure LMS Success at Your Organization

Help Your LMS Investment Pay Off You’ve purchased a learning management system, and now it’s time to implement it for your organization to use.  But how can you ensure LMS success in adoption, usage, and an easy rollout to your teams? It may seem like a daunting question, but breaking it

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Pinnacle LMS has industry-specific content and analytics tools to not only make a difference at your organization, but track the impact its having on your employees' skills.

5 Ways to Know Pinnacle LMS is the Right Fit for Your Team

Our industry-leading solution could be exactly what your team needs to supercharge learning and development. Choosing the right learning management system for your architecture, engineering, construction, or manufacturing organization can be daunting. It’s a significant investment, both financially and in terms of time spent implementing and training your team on

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