Category: Construction

A man in business clothing wearing a hardhat and carrying a laptop stands in a warehouse with workers in overalls working behind him.

VIDEO: Closing the Skills Gap with Pinnacle Series

A Learning Management System (LMS) with a robust library of training content for the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Manufacturing industries can be a game changer in hiring and retaining skilled workers. The Manufacturing and Construction industries share a common challenge—one that is causing drastic delays in project timelines, introducing errors

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A construction worker in a hard hat accesses online training wearing a hard hat.

How to Select an LMS for Construction

The construction industry needs a scalable elearning system that incorporates workers’ real-world experience. Construction is facing a labor shortage—and they aren’t the only ones. A shortfall of skilled workers is impacting businesses across the AEC&M industries, and elearning is a critical piece of the solution. As an industry, construction has

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While separate industries, Manufacturing and Construction share a common problem: in the midst of an industrial and infrastructure boom, both are struggling to find enough skilled labor to complete the work on hand. Additionally, both industries have traditionally drawn upon a labor force trained in apprenticeships or trade programs. As a result, these industries face many of the same challenges—and share a common solution.

Infographic: The Manufacturing & Construction Skills Gap

Although different industries, Manufacturing and Construction face similar skills gap challenges. The skills gap is everywhere, impacting numerous sectors and causing widespread strain on the economy. But of the affected industries, the skills gap is taking the greatest toll on Manufacturing and Construction. Both these industries are undergoing a boom,

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A construction worker reviewing project status on a tablet while overseeing a job site.

How Online Training Can Resolve the Construction Labor Shortage

Construction is already behind the technological curve, and many skilled hands are retiring rather than keeping pace. Online training can fill the void. Like many other industries, Construction is facing a shortage of skilled labor. Unlike other industries, their skills gap is partially of their own making. Whereas Manufacturing has

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7 Advantages of an AEC & M Learning Management System

Learn how an LMS can take your organization to the next level. In the ever-evolving worlds of architecture, engineering, construction, and manufacturing, staying competitive and innovative is crucial. And a big part of that equation is investing in some form of training platform or e-learning system to consistently upskill your

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Understanding how to improve your construction project management is essential to running projects that finish on time and on budget.

How to Improve Your Construction Project Management

Get the inside scoop on streamlining your construction projects. Effective project management is the cornerstone on which successful construction projects are built. In an industry like construction — where timelines, budgets, and coordination are crucial, and delays can be costly — optimizing your project management processes can significantly impact your

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Pinnacle Series includes more than 50 MicroStation training videos.

MicroStation Training Resources You’ll Find in Pinnacle Series

Help your team master MicroStation with these learning resources. Are you looking to get your team up to speed in MicroStation CONNECT Edition as quickly as possible? There are several benefits of using e-learning to accomplish your goal. Pinnacle Series offers a comprehensive set of MicroStation training resources that can help your

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A great AutoCAD software learning program should fit seamlessly into employees’ days.

Do’s and Don’ts of AutoCAD Software Learning

These best practices will help enhance your AutoCAD training program. If you’re just starting to create an AutoCAD training program for your architecture, engineering, or construction organization (or if you’re revamping your current training system), there is a lot to consider! It could feel daunting to try and figure out

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