The leading learning management system for manufacturing organizations.

Level up your company’s internal knowledge and efficiency with Pinnacle Series, a learning management system built specifically for companies in the manufacturing ecosystem.

Inside our comprehensive content libraries, you’ll find expert-developed SOLIDWORKS training, Inventor software training, Fusion 360 training, AutoCAD software learning, and much more.

Discover how our manufacturing software training can transform your organization’s definition of success.


Facing a challenge? Pinnacle Series has the solution.


We have a corporate LMS, but it doesn’t have the technical training materials our teams need.


Pinnacle Series is an end-to-end e-learning system with a robust content catalog of technical training solutions your employees need to solve immediate challenges and promote long-term learning. Our manufacturing software training libraries have thousands of learning resources covering dozens of programs, including SOLIDWORKS, AutoCAD, Fusion 360, Inventor, and Advance Steel.


We have access to a lot of software that can make our teams more productive, but employees don’t know how to use it consistently.


With Pinnacle Series, everyone in your organization receives access to the same high-quality resources and materials, all professionally developed by manufacturing industry experts. This way, your staff is on the same page when working on a project.


We need a learning solution we can customize to fit our needs and share internal information.


Unlike many other learning platforms in the space, you can use Pinnacle Series as your end-to-end internal knowledge repository. Customize any of our content or upload your own documents, videos, workflows, etc. for centralized access.


Hiring and retaining top talent has become a challenge for our organization.


Make your organization attractive to high achievers by cultivating a strong culture of learning and a foundation for professional growth. When job prospects see their potential for career development, they’re more likely to choose your organization and stay there for the long haul.


We’d like to empower employees by creating a culture of learning in the company.


Provide your staff with the tools they need for upskilling and developing their careers. Pinnacle Series’ integration with KnowledgeSmart allows employees to test their current software knowledge and generate personalized Learning Paths they can follow for targeted, long-term skills improvement.

One solution for all of your architecture learning needs.


Pinnacle Series can fit in seamlessly with your existing tools with features like Active Directory syncing, single sign-on, and open API Access.

Our Customer Success Managers will guide you through the onboarding process to ensure Pinnacle Series integrates into your current systems without a hitch.


Gain insight into overall Pinnacle Series usage, monitor Learning Path progress or completion, and understand user engagement with the administrator dashboard.

You can also use the dashboard to gauge how new employees are progressing through onboarding, check the results of KnowledgeSmart assessments, and align skill sets between teams.


All of the learning content and video captions and transcriptions in Pinnacle Series can be translated into more than 90 languages, making it an adaptable system no matter where in the world your team is working.

Users can set their preferred language in the User Profile menu within Pinnacle Series. Translations are also available for your organization’s custom content.



Pinnacle Series’ Work Groups feature allows you to create project teams and provide training content or standards all in one centralized location.

External users like subcontractors or consultants can also be added to Work Groups.


Make Pinnacle Series your single source of truth with live events, company news, and more.

If it matters to your organization, users can find it in Pinnacle Series.


Pinnacle Series comes loaded with thousands of learning resources to use right out of the box, but you also have the ability to edit existing content or upload completely fresh, custom content that reflects your best practices, standards and workflows. 

Trusted by AEC & M's Leading Companies

Thousands of AEC & M learning resources, right at your fingertips.

With Pinnacle Series, your team gets on-demand access to libraries of learning content
covering the software skills they need to know to work efficiently and productively.


Training Libraries Available


Curated Learning Paths


On-Demand Videos

Explore Our Content Catalog

Discover the difference Pinnacle Series can make for your organization.

Let us show you our learning management system in action, and how it can transform training, knowledge sharing, project work, and collaboration at your organization.

Increase productivity

Upskill employees

Supercharge collaboration

“We call Pinnacle Series our ‘Single Source of Truth.’ Every opportunity we can, we are continuously trying to find ways of driving the traffic to Pinnacle Series.”

Melanie B., Senior Human Resources Representative, American StructurePoint

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