Published February 24th, 2023

Do's and Don'ts of AutoCAD Software Learning

Want the latest AEC&M insights as they develop?

These best practices will help enhance your AutoCAD training program.

If you’re just starting to create an AutoCAD training program for your architecture, engineering, or construction organization (or if you’re revamping your current training system), there is a lot to consider! It could feel daunting to try and figure out the best strategy for your team to ensure they’re receiving the most comprehensive, effective training possible.


That’s why we’ve rounded up some do’s and don’ts to help your team’s AutoCAD software learning become top-tier!


When you’re able to implement these best practices, you’ll see an increase in your team’s productivity, a decrease in errors and rework, and less time spent searching for common questions and answers. 


Let’s get started!


DO invest in an e-learning platform

The first (and arguably most important) item on our list is to invest in an e-learning platform or system for your organization. When you utilize a great system (like Pinnacle Series!), you’ll have on-demand, personalized training available to your team whenever they need it. It comes pre-loaded with expert-created content that is sure to answer their most frequently asked questions, and also has handy videos and documents to fit all learning styles.


A system like Pinnacle Series also offers the ability to upload your own documents and custom content, so it can become the main hub for your company’s standards, procedures, and even employee-created workflows! These customization features help save time and resources at your organization.


DON’T try to train all at once

A common error in a new training program is to set aside a day for a seminar; while there is a time and place for that kind of event, it doesn’t set your long-term training plan up for success. If you want your team’s AutoCAD software learning to really stick, you’ll break training into manageable pieces. Your team will have a harder time retaining information if you try to cram it all into a single day.


Another downside to large group training is it’s not customized. You’ll have employees at various different skill levels, so it can be hard to create value for all employees in attendance. And that brings us to…


DO customize your training and use assessments

Assessments can seem like an intense word at first, but it’s a great way to gather information about your employees’ baseline skills. Using a tool like KnowledgeSmart can help to create an idea of where an employee has mastered skills and where there are gaps in knowledge. Using these tools helps to customize training for individuals, so they’re only spending time on training that targets what they need to learn. There’s no reason for someone to spend unnecessary time relearning AutoCAD when they’re already an expert!


DO require training from your employees

As we’ve discussed earlier, it’s essential to dedicate some of your employee’s time to training. Requiring 30 minutes per week is a great goal to have! It’s sure to help them with their AutoCAD software learning; as they complete more training modules, their pace and quality of work will increase. You’ll also see longer-term improvements, like better employee retention, as you invest back in your team and your AEC organization.


DON’T give up on your AutoCAD software learning program!

It’s so important that you help your team continue to train, grow, and learn in this process. With Pinnacle Series, our Customer Success team is there to help guide you and your company with your training program, both during the initial set-up and launch phase and after implementation. 


DO reach out to us if you have questions

If you’re looking to start your own AutoCAD training program, get in touch with our team today! We’re happy to help walk through what challenges you’re facing and how we can help improve your team’s productivity and accuracy. 


For more AutoCAD and training insights, check out our other blog posts on the importance of training and how to get started with Pinnacle Series.