Category: Manufacturing

A man in business clothing wearing a hardhat and carrying a laptop stands in a warehouse with workers in overalls working behind him.

VIDEO: Closing the Skills Gap with Pinnacle Series

A Learning Management System (LMS) with a robust library of training content for the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Manufacturing industries can be a game changer in hiring and retaining skilled workers. The Manufacturing and Construction industries share a common challenge—one that is causing drastic delays in project timelines, introducing errors

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A woman in a hard hat reviews training materials on a computer.

Key Factors when Searching for an LMS for Manufacturing

An LMS for the manufacturing industry needs to be comprehensive, efficient, and flexible. High-quality training is crucial for today’s manufacturing industry. The skills gap presents an ongoing challenge, and the ability to bring workers up to speed on new technology and processes quickly is one of the most important tools

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While separate industries, Manufacturing and Construction share a common problem: in the midst of an industrial and infrastructure boom, both are struggling to find enough skilled labor to complete the work on hand. Additionally, both industries have traditionally drawn upon a labor force trained in apprenticeships or trade programs. As a result, these industries face many of the same challenges—and share a common solution.

Infographic: The Manufacturing & Construction Skills Gap

Although different industries, Manufacturing and Construction face similar skills gap challenges. The skills gap is everywhere, impacting numerous sectors and causing widespread strain on the economy. But of the affected industries, the skills gap is taking the greatest toll on Manufacturing and Construction. Both these industries are undergoing a boom,

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Manufacturing employees participating in training.

Why Training Is the Solution to the Manufacturing Skills Gap

As the industry becomes more technologically complex, manufacturers need to upskill their workforce before they fall out of date. A boom in manufacturing demand, increased retirement of seasoned workers, and low recruitment from the incoming generation of the labor force are combining to create a critical shortage in qualified labor.

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7 Advantages of an AEC & M Learning Management System

Learn how an LMS can take your organization to the next level. In the ever-evolving worlds of architecture, engineering, construction, and manufacturing, staying competitive and innovative is crucial. And a big part of that equation is investing in some form of training platform or e-learning system to consistently upskill your

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Knowing different ways to improve communication skills among your design teams will help them work more efficiently and with fewer errors.

7 Ways to Improve Communication at Your Manufacturing Organization

Learn how to improve communication skills across your entire organization. If you’ve spent any time researching ways to improve communication skills at your manufacturing organization, you’ve probably realized that there is no “one size fits all” approach. Different companies have different dynamics and requirements, and effective communication must be tailored

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A great AutoCAD software learning program should fit seamlessly into employees’ days.

Do’s and Don’ts of AutoCAD Software Learning

These best practices will help enhance your AutoCAD training program. If you’re just starting to create an AutoCAD training program for your architecture, engineering, or construction organization (or if you’re revamping your current training system), there is a lot to consider! It could feel daunting to try and figure out

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Here are 4 great ways to learn AutoCAD online in your organization.

Learn AutoCAD Online: 5 Ways to Improve Your Team’s Training

Keep your team up to date with robust online AutoCAD training. Training is an essential part of any productive architecture, engineering, construction, or manufacturing organization. It helps build internal talent reduces rework and costly errors, and also keeps your employees engaged in their work.   But it can be difficult

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