Published November 15th, 2022

How to Incorporate Training into Your Workday

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You have a lot to do on a given workday – from meetings and project work to administrative tasks and answering questions from colleagues, it can be hard to find a few spare minutes to learn a new skill. That’s why it’s crucial to understand how to incorporate training into your workday seamlessly instead of struggling to block out hours of time.


When you’re able to carve out small pockets of learning throughout the day, even when working on other projects, you and your team will be able to work more efficiently and master the technology you need to compete as an architecture, engineering, construction, or manufacturing firm.


Here are a few ways you and your team can fit more learning into your busy schedules:


  1. Hold lunch and learns
  2. Break training up
  3. Find unexpected downtime to train
  4. Utilize an e-learning platform


Read on to learn how to incorporate training into your workday with these strategies!


Hold lunch and learns

Everyone typically has some time free during lunch — turn this time into an opportunity for learning with a lunch and learn! Of course, employees might not immediately jump at the chance to give up their lunch break in exchange for a training session, but you can make it worth their while by having lunch delivered and covering the costs.


Lunch and learns are also a more social way to train that’s more engaging than a standard in-person training session and less isolating than employees being left to complete training on their own.


Break training up

Which one of these options sounds more doable for your team — dedicating an entire morning to training on a new software topic or splitting the training up to be completed in 15-20 minute increments across a week?


By splitting training up, employees will be more likely to fit learning into their schedules while still staying on track with project work. This strategy may also increase learning retention, since employees are only learning small bits of information and have more time to absorb it instead of having tons of material thrown at them during an in-person session.


Find unexpected downtime to train

Your workday schedule may be packed, but you never know when an opportunity for learning will pop up. Is a file taking a long time to load? Do you have 5 minutes before a meeting? Take those little breaks to watch a quick on-demand video or revisit a workflow that’s related to a project you’re currently working on. You’d be surprised at how much you can learn in these little moments!


Utilize an e-learning platform

Speaking of taking advantage of an opportunity for on-demand learning, implementing an e-learning platform like Pinnacle Series can give your team the power to learn at their own pace when it’s most convenient.


Pinnacle Series’ library is packed with thousands of learning paths, workflows, and videos that your team can use to solve problems on the go or just refresh their skills when they have a few free minutes. It helps to solve the problem of how to incorporate training into your workday seamlessly!


If you’re a current Pinnacle Series subscriber, log in now to check out our on-demand learning features, like our short videos and handy documents and share them with your team!


If you aren’t a current subscriber but are interested in seeing how Pinnacle Series can help you learn how to incorporate training into your workday, contact us today to schedule a  free trial or demo of our leading e-learning platform!