Published June 27th, 2024

Interface Matters: A Deep Dive into Pinnacle Lite’s New Look

Want the latest AEC&M insights as they develop?

Never underestimate the power of a well-designed user interface.

We’ve bundled a ton of major upgrades into the new Peak Experience for Pinnacle Lite, from behind-the-scenes redevelopment to a visual makeover. Every new feature is designed to keep our users ahead of the curve in the competitive marketplace of the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing industries, but perhaps none more so than the updates to our user interface.

Pinnacle Lite’s new style in Peak Experience isn’t just cosmetic, although we do think it also looks pretty good. These visual updates are the changes that you, our clients and users, will see most on a day-to-day basis—which is why we’ve gone out of our way to streamline and enhance the user experience, for a smoother, more intuitive path to learning.

Peak Experience’s thoughtful, intelligent UI can give you time back in your day and make the training process more engaging. When training is more satisfying and more relevant, it’s also more successful, making it easier for you and your team to fit it into your busy schedules and make the business case for it. And all those little improvements add up over time into a company-wide culture of learning, with all the business benefits that entails.

A great UI unlocks learning.

The central function of an LMS is to enable learning, and the most straightforward way to do that is with a top-notch user interface. Elements of good UI design remove hurdles, reduce friction, and elevate the user experience, making an LMS not just beneficial, but enjoyable to use.

We took the principles of good UI design to heart when we built Peak Experience:

  • Visual consistency allows users to quickly understand the interface, identify important elements, and find what they need. When every part of the interface is speaking the same language, it’s easier to orient yourself and get comfortable.
  • Structure and hierarchy reduce clutter, highlight convenient user paths, and minimize decision fatigue. Intelligent organization means that if you do have to go looking for information, it won’t take long to find.
  • Surfacing useful tools helps users discover their new favorite features and make the most of the platform. Peak Experience puts the most useful functionality at your fingertips, solving pain points and answering questions before you even encounter them.

The user interface upgrades we’ve made in Peak Experience for Pinnacle Lite are your key to world-class learning and development. Here are the details on what you can expect to see in the update.

Customization: Make your learning space your own.

A learning path showing urban roadway design.

Peak Experience allows you to personalize Pinnacle Lite to your needs. When you first log in, you’ll set your language preference from a list of over 130 options, so that your course content is fully accessible to you. You can also build out your profile and add a picture, allowing you to interact and connect with your team in a more personal way.

With Peak Experience for Pinnacle Lite, you can take ownership of your learning path and your history. Access your assessment results, previous courses, and certifications, and personalize your development track with courses that meet your goals and drive your interests.

Navigation: A new, intuitive structure.

Assigned courses for an Autodesk Revit course on Architectural Modeling.

We’ve retooled the navigation options in Peak Experience to make accessing your course content as frictionless as possible. Menus are clearer and more intuitive, so the system is easy to pick up on day one, and are laid out logically so that you don’t have to hunt for where to go next.

Pinnacle Lite has always featured customizable learning paths that direct you to the next relevant course on your personal development plan. Paired with Peak Experience’s improved navigation, Pinnacle Lite’s structure places your next steps right in front of you and makes your options clear. Too many choices with not enough information can be overwhelming and draining, but Peak Experience’s intelligent navigation cuts down on the decision fatigue, so that you can save your energy for the most important things.

Search: New tools and filters for a faster experience.

Search results for "corridor modeling" bring up a course on urban roadway design.

You shouldn’t have to waste time searching for your course content before you even get down to the business of learning. That’s why Peak Experience includes an upgraded search function that works across multiple asset types, whether documents, videos, or workflows, and returns the most pertinent results on the spot. We’ve also included advanced filters, to help you narrow down what you’re looking for.

Updated filtering functions aren’t just for search, either. Asset libraries now feature dynamic filters as well, to help you find the learning path or course content you need. You can also browse according to category, for a broader scope.

Peak Experience makes the best features of Pinnacle Lite even better.

A great LMS should be more than just a container for course content—it should enhance the learning experience with structure, accessibility, and personalization. Peak Experience for Pinnacle Lite offers all three, in addition to a deep library of regularly updated course content from the leading names in AEC&M industry software tools: AutoDesk, Revit, Procore, SolidWorks, and many more.

Follow pre-established training courses, or customize learning paths for yourself and your organization. Peak Experience ensures that you can take full advantage of your Pinnacle Lite investment, so you can spend less time navigating menus and more time learning. Find out what Pinnacle Lite can do for your organization’s training goals. Download our infographic for more information about Peak Experience—or contact us today, and we’ll connect you with one of our resellers for a full demo.