Published November 4th, 2024

New Feature Highlight: Assignments

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Craft a tailored learning program for your users with assignments in Peak Experience.

Our rollout of the transformational Peak Experience for Pinnacle Series is underway and going strong. As it continues, we’re taking the opportunity to dive deeper into the new and upgraded features that distinguish it from Pinnacle Classic. This week, we’ll be looking at a feature that is central to effectively structuring a learning and development plan—and which, consequently, we’ve put a lot of work into for Peak Experience: assignments.

An effective learning management system should empower your teams to seek out knowledge based on their own interests and needs. It is also, however, a key tool for aligning your workforce’s skills with overarching business goals. To this end, assignments help managers direct their teams to the skill assessments and learning content that are most relevant in that big-picture context: a required certification; upskilling for the specific needs of an incoming project; closing an identified skill gap.

The use cases are myriad, and assigning highly relevant, targeted content lets both managers and employees feel confident in their skills and preparation. That’s why we paid particular attention to the assignments feature in Peak Experience. We’ve given managers all-new tools to craft a personalized learning experience for their teams, and we’ve added new levels of visibility and robust KnowledgeSmart integration for more transparent, seamless end-user functionality.

Here’s what our supercharged assignments have to offer.

For Managers

Within Peak Experience, managers will find a revamped assignment management system that offers greater transparency, more fluid navigation, and more granular control.


Peak Experience allows managers to list assignments in full, incorporating both KnowledgeSmart assessments and learning content. Managers can view enrollment information according to organizational structure, making it easier to consume and compare and ensuring that every user receives the right assignments for their role. Also visible is your team’s full assignment history, letting you align future goals with completed ones and avoid repetition.

Ease of use

Managers will find Peak Experience more streamlined and intuitive to use within its brand-new assignment management area. Selecting users and content is smoother and easier—which is key, since managers have more access than ever to user and assignment data.

Visibility into assigned assessments and learning content doesn’t stop at viewing. Managers can edit across both categories as well, and can find what they need more quickly with enhanced filtering. Contact users seamlessly with in-browser email functionality, and take advantage of auto-assignments to streamline workflows.

Filtering categories:

  • Content title
  • Content type
  • Assignment status
  • Assignment due date
  • User domain
  • User type

With better integration of assessment data comes a stronger integration with KnowledgeSmart as well, allowing user management for both Pinnacle Series and KnowledgeSmart from within Pinnacle. KnowledgeSmart and Pinnacle Series communicate in real time, ensuring that both systems have accurate, up-to-the-minute information to keep users and managers informed.

Granular control

Added permission levels let managers create the structure that works for them and delegate with confidence. When assigning materials to users, managers can select a range of content types to personalize learning for their users’ needs: learning paths, individual courses, and KnowledgeSmart assessments.


Peak Experience makes assignments easier than ever for learners to use, with new levels of visibility much like their managers’, and smoother navigation and integration with KnowledgeSmart.


Similar to managers, learners can now view KnowledgeSmart assessments alongside learning content in their assignments. They also enjoy additional transparency into the status of their assignments, as well as their current and historical enrollment.

To organize the newly available information, users can leverage card and tile views for more context at a glance, and have additional sorting options and an enhanced search function to make finding what they need easier than ever.

Ease of use

With the improved KnowledgeSmart integration referenced in the manager section comes a streamlined experience for learners, who can now click through to KnowledgeSmart directly from their assignments. Added back-end integrations mean that users only need to log in once, and Pinnacle can route them to KnowledgeSmart for their assigned content. Users also benefit from the real-time connectivity between KnowledgeSmart and Pinnacle Series, keeping their assignment and assessment data current and accurate.

Achieve more efficient, targeted learning with the unprecedented control offered by Peak Experience.

With the wealth of learning content available in Pinnacle Series, assignments are an invaluable way to customize the process for users according to their individual goals and to strategic business objectives. As we’ve examined before, learning doesn’t have to take place in unwieldy blocks—content is often most effective when it’s precise, self-contained, and relevant in the moment.

Peak Experience gives you the tools to structure your learning plans so they’re maximally effective, targeting the information that users need most and the topics that represent the best use of their valuable time. Learn more about how Pinnacle Series—and the upgraded, next-generation Peak Experience—can transform learning and development in your Architecture, Engineering, Construction, or Manufacturing business. Request a demonstration today.

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