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Apply Transitions to Subassembly Slopes Course Introduction (Course Duration: 90 minutes)
Course Description In this course you will learn how to author a Dynamo graph to automate the transition of daylight slopes over a specified station range in a Corridor model. This is practical example and “use case” for Dynamo for Civil 3D, and at the end of this course you’ll have authored from scratch your own script to use on your Civil 3D design drawings.
Out of the box assemblies do not provide a solution to transition the daylight slopes, and the workaround is time consuming, especially when further edits and changes are required. Using the Dynamo graph created in this course will allow you to specify the start and end slope value for the slope transition, the transition distance or station range, and the parameter name and value you want to change within a subassembly. The Dynamo graph created in this course focuses on overriding the Cut and Fill slopes, however, it can be used and/or slightly modified for any subassembly parameter override.
The “use case” presented in this course is to automate the task for applying a slope transition the daylight slopes in a subassembly.
Prior to enrolling into this course you should have a baseline knowledge of Dynamo. If you are just starting into Dynamo see the course prerequisites below.
Course Objectives The material presented in this course teach you how to: Set Station Range for a Slope Transition Get Subassemblies from a Corridor Baseline Create a Slope Transition List Apply Subassembly Parameter Overrides using Dynamo Execute and Validate a Dynamo Graph.
Course Prerequisites To participate in this training course, you should have completed the following: Dynamo Fundamentals Learning Path or equivalent experience
CPD via CPD UK Accredited Course This course is eligible for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit via CPD UK. This is a globally recognized CPD meaning the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. If you would like to learn more, please see CPDUK. You can log your CPD credits by creating an account and providing the correct, required information. If you would like to log your CPD credits with another organization, you will need to navigate that process as directed by the target organization.
Tips: Turn off your phone, close your email, text and social media apps. Plug headphones or ear buds to your computer. Go Full Screen when watching videos.
Edit Subassembly Parameters in a Spreadsheet Course Introduction (Course Duration: 90 minutes)
Course Description In this course, you will learn how to author a Dynamo graph to export Civil 3D corridor data to an Excel spreadsheet, then edit the data in Excel, and import it back into Civil 3D to overwrite and update the corridor model. The example used in this course will focus on the left and right lanes slopes used in a common “out of the box” subassembly. This is a practical use case that will not only teach you how to author a Dynamo graph from scratch, but after completing the course exercise you’ll have your own script that you can use on your production models.
The Dynamo script authored in this course is intended to leverage a variety of visual programming nodes, with the purpose of creating awareness and exposure to different Dynamo tools. A practical “use case” approach is used to open your mind to the possibilities on how Dynamo automation can improve your workflows and efficiency.
Course Objectives The material presented in this course teach you how to: Create a Baseline Stations List, for a station range Create Parameter Name by Station List Create Parameter Value by Station List Combine Lists and Export to Excel Add Column Headers to a Data List Import Subassembly Data from Excel Edit Subassembly Parameters using a spreadsheet
Course Prerequisites To participate in this training course, you should have the following: Dynamo Fundamentals Learning Path or equivalent experience
Civil 3D Toolkit for Dynamo (Course Duration: 15 minutes)
Course Description In this course, you will learn how to apply the Civil 3D Toolkit into your Dynamo installation and access the 500+ new nodes. The Civil 3D toolkit, authored by the Autodesk team, is available as a free package download from the Dynamo library. This course will familiarize you with the Civil 3D Toolkit and introduce you to additional resources for more in-depth knowledge of the AutoCAD and Civil 3D nodes.
Course Objectives The material presented in this course teach you how to: Install the Civil 3D Toolkit for Dynamo Use nodes from the Civil 3D Toolkit Access additional Civil 3D toolkit resources for more in-depth learning
Course Prerequisites To participate in this training course, you should have the following: Knowledge of Dynamo Fundamentals
Automate Block Placement onto Corridor Models Course Introduction (Course Duration: 90 minutes)
Course Description In this course, you will learn how to create a Dynamo graph to automate the placement of blocks onto a corridor model in Civil 3D. Leveraging what you learned from Dynamo Fundamentals, you will author a Dynamo graph from scratch to place light poles onto a corridor model. In your Dynamo graph you get the corridor, baseline, and feature lines objects from a current drawing file, then create a script that will automate the placement of light poles over a specified station range and interval onto the corridor model. The code blocks used in this Dynamo graph are common examples that you can use in your production drawings. When you are finished with the Dynamo graph, you’ll do some clean-up to make the graph intuitive for others to use.
Course Objectives The material presented in this course teach you how to: Get Started into Dynamo for Civil 3D Code the Selection of Feature Lines by Name from a Civil 3D Drawing Code the Station Interval/Range on a Civil 3D Baseline in a Dynamo Graph Code the Block Placement Options in a Dynamo Graph Execute a Dynamo Graph and Clean-up for Sharing
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