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Workflow Processes:

  • Non-parametric families

    This process will guide the user through the tasks and steps necessary to create the geometry and apply materials for a non-parametric Revit family.

    To help you understand some concepts better, view the class : Family Creation for Beginners

    You can also follow all the tasks and steps in the 4.0 – Family Creation Tutorial – Sample Table process if you are not familiar with the creation of Revit families.

    Note: As best practice, it is always recommended that you start your family creation processes by reviewing existing families in your project or corporate library. And, if possible, start from a copy of them. Otherwise, select a template that provides you with as many presets and guides as possible. For example, if your family needs to be hosted by a ceiling, select a ceiling based template. Or, if needs to be hosted by a wall, select a wall based family.

  • Parametric Families

    This process will guide the user through the tasks and steps necessary to create the geometry, create and add parameters to the family, and apply materials to create a Revit family with multiple types and parametric behavior.

    Note: As best practice, it is always recommended that you start your family creation processes by reviewing existing families in your project or corporate library. And, if possible, start from a copy of them. Otherwise, select a template that provides you with as many presets and guides as possible. For example, if your family needs to be hosted by a ceiling, select a ceiling based template. Or, if needs to be hosted by a wall, select a wall based family.

  • Forms Toolbox

    Use the tasks and steps in this process to understand the use of several of the form creation tools found in the Revit Family Editor environment. You can copy these task and steps to customize your own family creation processes.

    To help you understand some concepts better, view the classes on:
    Family Creation for Beginners
    Family Creation with Simple Parameters
    Creating a Hosted Family

    You can also follow all the tasks and steps in the 4.0 – Family Creation Tutorial – Sample Table process if you are not familiar with the creation of Revit families.

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