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Workflow Processes:

  • Set Up Sheets

    This process will guide the user through the creation and modification of sheets for Construction Documents.

  • Site Construction

    This process will help user create a site topography for the building project.

  • Presentation and Visual Analysis

    This process will guide user through the setup of 3D and presentation view for information and rendering purposes.

  • Deliverables

    This process will guide user through the setup and settings adjustments to create Project deliverables

  • Worksharing

    This process will guide project team and users through the worksharing process

  • Project Setup

    This process has the recommended tasks and steps to start a new Revit project, set it up, and create the site plan in preparation for the BIM model.

  • Model Structure

    This process will guide the user through the construction of a Structural model

  • View Management

    This process will guide the user through the setup, creation, and management of views that will become part of the Construction Documents

  • Create Annotation

    This process will help the user place intelligent and standard annotation in views for Construction Documents

  • Construction Details

    This process will guide user through the steps to modify and create details for the Construction Documents.

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Understanding the Manufacturing & Construction Skills Gap

We went deep into the latest market research and created a resource to give you fresh insight into your recruitment challenges.