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Workflow Processes:

  • Detention Pond with Berm

    This process outlines the common tasks for grading a detention pond with a raised berm. The underlying procedures have been defined for a typical project example.

    The tasks included in this process involve grading the interior of a detention pond that has a flat bottom elevation. After the interior grading is completed, the volume capacity of the pond is analyzed and adjusted as needed. When the interior grading is finalized, the pond’s exterior is graded and earthwork volumes are calculated.

  • Residential Lots

    This process incorporates common tasks that are used in residential lot grading. In this grading process surface labels, feature lines, and points are used to set pad elevations and grade front, back, and side yard lot lines.

    This workflow for residential lot grading assumes that the initial corridor grading for the subdivision has been completed with rough grades extending through the middle of the lots. The initial grades from the roadway corridor will provide a good start point for subsequent lot grading, and will serve as input for the “final surface”.

  • Parking Lot

    This process outlines the sequential tasks to follow for grading a parking lot. The grading process starts with the geometry created from the conceptual design. The conceptual CAD geometry is converted to 3D feature lines and points for grading, then added into an Autodesk Civil 3D surface for final grade elevations.

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