Published June 8th, 2023

MicroStation Training Resources You'll Find in Pinnacle Series

Want the latest AEC&M insights as they develop?

Help your team master MicroStation with these learning resources.

Are you looking to get your team up to speed in MicroStation CONNECT Edition as quickly as possible? There are several benefits of using e-learning to accomplish your goal. Pinnacle Series offers a comprehensive set of MicroStation training resources that can help your team become proficient in this valuable CAD software. 


Currently, we have the following resources available in Pinnacle Series to help your teams master MicroStation:

  1. A MicroStation Fundamentals learning path
  2. 55+ on-demand videos
  3. Instructional workflows 
  4. Exercises & data sets


Let’s explore what these MicroStation training resources have to offer!


A MicroStation Fundamentals learning path


Users looking to master MicroStation’s most essential features can kick off their learning journey with the MicroStation Fundamentals learning path in Pinnacle Series. Designed for beginners and those looking to refresh their knowledge, this course covers the essential tools, commands, and workflows in MicroStation. 


The MicroStation Fundamentals learning path encompasses eight courses: 

  • MicroStation Overview
  • Placing and Modifying Geometry
  • Using AccuDraw and AccuSnap
  • Working with Levels
  • Annotation
  • Working with Cells
  • References
  • Output


As they progress through these courses, users will quickly gain confidence in using the software’s core features. By the end of the course, they’ll be able to:

  • Navigate the software’s user interface 
  • Place geometry into a file & modify it using manipulation and modification tools
  • Speed up the 2D drafting process using AccuSnap and AccuDraw
  • Create and modify levels
  • Work with cells to create reusable CAD geometry
  • Annotate drawings
  • Attach and use references
  • Create output files and sheets


The best part? It only takes about four hours to progress through all eight courses in the learning path, so an employee can quickly go from a complete beginner to a MicroStation pro!


55+ on-demand videos


For any team member who just needs a quick tutorial for a specific task, our MicroStation training videos offer the perfect solution. For instance, what if they’re in the middle of a job and need a refresher on how to use fence selection tools or edit a cell definition? They won’t need to fast-forward through a long course to find the place with the right info. Instead, they can just search the MicroStation training video library to find the specific topic they need to brush up on. 


Most of the tutorial videos are under five minutes, so users can quickly watch them and get back to work with little disruption to their day.


Instructional workflows


Finally, Pinnacle Series’ MicroStation training library also includes a product-based workflow designed specifically to help users create, edit, and place cells. Using a combination of list-style instructions and annotated screenshots, workflows are ideal resources for learners who absorb information better by reading vs. watching a video. 


The steps are designed to be as clear as possible, and there are notes at the bottom to add context (e.g., the difference between a graphic cell, point cell, and parametric cell).


Exercises & data sets


Most of our MicroStation training courses also feature exercises with datasets that your team can use to practice working in the software. These exercises help illustrate real-world challenges, such as using AccuSnap and AccuDraw, working with cells, and communicating data through drawing annotations.


With the help of Pinnacle Series’ MicroStation training resources, your teams can enhance their skills, gain a competitive edge, and unlock more efficient design potential. Explore more of the reasons your teams should learn MicroStation here


If you’re a current Pinnacle Series subscriber, log in now to explore all of the MicroStation training resources our platform has to offer! Keep an eye on this library as well — our content team is working on new MicroStation workflows and courses that will help further your training and align our content with Bentley’s MicroStation certification.


If you’re not a current subscriber but want to explore the idea of using Pinnacle Series for your organization’s MicroStation training, contact us for a demo or free trial.

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