Published December 8th, 2022

FAQs About KnowledgeSmart Assessments

Want the latest AEC&M insights as they develop?

Our Pinnacle Series e-learning system works great as a standalone solution — but when paired with KnowledgeSmart assessments from Eagle Point Software, it gets even better!


KnowledgeSmart offers assessments on key architecture, engineering, construction, and manufacturing topics to help gauge what employees already know, and where they might need a little more training.


Learn more about KnowledgeSmart and how you can use it at your AEC & M organization with these frequently asked questions!


How can I use KnowledgeSmart assessments?

The most common way KnowledgeSmart assessments are used is to identify employees’ skill gaps and create targeted learning plans to address those gaps. However, that’s not the only way to use assessments! Many organizations use assessments to assess job candidates’ proficiency with AEC & M software, help assign internal employees to a new project based on their skills, or assess internal talent prior to a promotion.


Does KnowledgeSmart provide training content?

Yes! After an employee finishes a KnowledgeSmart assessment, they’ll be given a tailored training curriculum and accompanying training content within Pinnacle Series.


Can we edit KnowledgeSmart’s questions to apply to our organization and standards?

You can! Administrators will have authoring tools that allow them to create new test or survey questions from scratch or edit existing questions in the KnowledgeSmart library. You can even sort or move questions between modules, tests, and surveys.


Can I share metrics from KnowledgeSmart with my team?

KnowledgeSmart allows you to export metrics so you can share results with other employees or the leadership at your organization.


How can I tell how my team is doing compared to other organizations?

KnowledgeSmart allows you to compare your team’s assessment results against its global benchmarks, which aggregate anonymous results from the solution’s most popular assessments.


How can KnowledgeSmart be leveraged as part of our digital transformation?

Investing in new technologies is great, but it won’t be worth much if you don’t have a way to gauge how your team is adapting to those new tools. With KnowledgeSmart assessments and Pinnacle Series, you can tell who is adapting quickly to new technology, and who might need some extra training to become a pro.


Do we have to manually review the assessment results?

No! KnowledgeSmart’s integration with Pinnacle Series is totally automated – once an employee takes an assessment, their results will be automatically be used to create their tailored learning plan.


What results have other organizations seen from KnowledgeSmart?

Our KnowledgeSmart and Pinnacle Series customers have seen fantastic results! In our Associated Engineering case study, Technical Services Production Manager Bill Moore said that “these two platforms, in cooperation with one another, have allowed us to develop a really robust skills evaluation program for our organization.”


In another case study, Ron Rowcotsky from Davis Partnership Architects said that ” “the results of the KnowledgeSmart assessments were really interesting to look at; it really equalized and set the bar for understanding skills gaps and understanding where we lie within one easy metric.”


To learn more about the KnowledgeSmart integration for Pinnacle Series and how it can transform the way you provide training at your organization, contact our team to set up a free trial or demo of the platform today!

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