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Revit is one of the most well-known software systems in the architecture, engineering, and construction industries. It’s used in everything and by everyone, from BIM to CAD specialists to architects and more.
It’s easy to think that your team has a good foundation of Revit knowledge simply because it’s so prevalent. However, there can be hidden knowledge gaps that a revamped Revit training program can help fix!
If you’re looking to improve your Revit training program in your AEC organization, here are a few easy tips to follow to see an improvement:
Let’s break these ideas down further to help you plan a new and improved Revit training program for your team.
A great place to start with any training initiative is to figure out your baseline. Where is your team right now? Are they mostly advanced Revit users who could use a tune-up on more complicated topics? Are they proficient with the basics, but could use a lot of help in reducing rework errors in more complicated areas? Is your team all across the board?
By figuring out where your team is, you can do a few things:
A great tool to help you measure where your team is (and, in the future, where they will be) is KnowledgeSmart. KnowledgeSmart can assess where your team is and what their knowledge gaps are, and can recommend personalized training in Pinnacle Series to help your team with their Revit training (or any other software training).
Goals are such an important tool to every organization, and setting goals for your Revit training program is no different. It creates a sense of urgency around the topic and will keep your employees motivated to learn more.
Creating realistic goals, like having each team member complete 30 minutes of training per week or two hours each month, will help drive user adoption. Plus, your team will get to feel that sense of accomplishment when you break the training into small chunks. Setting goals creates a clear expectation for both individuals and the group and will help take your Revit training program to the next level.
Knowledge silos are a hot topic, especially in today’s world, where many employees may be remote or on a hybrid schedule where they’re not in the office each day. Instead of letting that knowledge sharing and communication become a hassle, make a point to encourage your team to talk and share new findings or ideas. This is a great way to facilitate communications around training, learning, and growth among individual employees that can spread to a whole team. When you can dedicate the time to having conversations around what your team has learned, everyone can benefit.
Easier said than done, right? Training can often get pushed to the side in favor of having your team work on billable projects. In the short term, this can make sense; you want your employees to work on tasks that can generate income. However, this isn’t taking into account the vast amount of time that can be saved in the long run.
Think of a time when you had to work on a project for the first time in a software system you either hadn’t used before or it had been a while since you’d needed to do anything advanced. You probably felt like you were working slower compared to your normal working pace, right? And you may have been trying to web search a question or find a video walkthrough of a task, but couldn’t find exactly what you were looking for or had to scroll through a five-minute useless introduction.
Now reflect back — how much time do you think was wasted trying to find the right button or tool to complete that project? When you think of training in that sense, the time spent is incredibly valuable. When your team can spend anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour each week learning new things (in this case, completing their Revit training), they’re going to be more productive and can complete those billable hours with fewer mistakes – meaning less rework required – and at a faster pace.
Our Pinnacle Series e-learning solution can also help with on-demand learning resources, including short videos, easily skimmable documents, and a related learning plugin for Autodesk products that can recommend learning content based on the commands a user is running.
The Eagle Point blog is full of helpful tips and tricks! Take a look at this blog post on the reasons your team should learn Revit online. Or, if you’re more interested in overarching training, take a look at how a culture of learning can drive success at your organization or how to improve your e-learning program.
Interested in exploring how you can use Pinnacle Series for e-learning and so much more? Schedule a demo or free trial with the Eagle Point team today! Want to know what else Pinnacle Series can do? Check out this blog on how to use Pinnacle Series outside of learning.
If you’re already a subscriber, log in now to take advantage of our Revit training and thousands of other training resources on the top AEC topics your team needs to know!
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