6 E-Learning Training Tips for Small Teams


Start with these e-learning training tips for small companies:

  1. Determine what skills you need training for
  2. Choose a quality program
  3. Create a solid rollout plan
  4. Make training flexible for busy schedules
  5. Cross-train employees
  6. Involve your teams and accept feedback


Learn more about the e-learning training tips below.


Determine what skills you need training for

As a small company, you likely don’t have an enormous budget or unlimited time to dedicate to your employee training program. That makes it essential to go in with a plan. Do your teams need to improve their skills with technology your firm already uses, like AutoCAD or Revit? Or are you hoping to introduce new tech and need training to onboard it properly? Make a list of specific skills you want to train for before you start hunting for the right e-learning platform.


Choose a quality program

Instead of choosing a generic e-learning program, look for one that specifically focuses on the skills most needed in your industry. You want to be confident that your staff are getting cutting-edge training from experts who know your company’s space. This ensures your team is getting the most value possible from their training in exchange for the active work time they’re giving up to focus on learning.


At Eagle Point, our e-learning and knowledge management system is designed specifically to train teams in the architecture, engineering, construction, and manufacturing sectors. The high-quality training materials in Pinnacle Series and Pinnacle Lite, our solution for smaller organizations, are developed for AEC & M professionals by AEC & M professionals. 


Create a solid rollout plan

Implementing an e-learning system isn’t as simple as giving your employees the login info and setting them loose. Communicate in advance about the new program, its benefits, and expectations. Schedule times for your teams to get familiar with the interface and learn how to use it. 


Make training flexible for busy schedules

On small teams, it’s not uncommon to see employees juggling a hundred tasks at once. Adding one more thing to their plate can be a tough sell. Instead of making training a rigid, time-consuming responsibility, enable them to utilize e-learning on an as-needed basis. That’s the reason we built Pinnacle Series and Pinnacle Lite with searchable, short-form content users can access on-demand (in addition to more in-depth learning paths they can take when they have extra time).


Cross-train employees

When an employee takes a day or two off at a large company, it’s not a big deal — other people on their team can easily fill in. Small companies have a little less flexibility; one missing person can throw a whole project off-kilter if there aren’t many other employees who share their skills.


The solution? Cross-training! Train people in tasks and skills that normally fall outside their role, but are useful for them to know. This adds new abilities to their career arsenal and lets them cover for others within (or even outside) their departments when needed. 


Involve your teams and accept feedback

Small teams are generally pretty close-knit, so make sure to involve them in the process. Ask for their e-learning training tips and preferences. Keep checking in during and after the rollout process. Ask what they like and what they don’t. Invite them to collaborate on custom content, which Pinnacle Series makes easy with our internal experts feature. Welcome honesty and reward participation!


Want to explore how Pinnacle Series or Pinnacle Lite can provide the perfect solution for your small team’s e-learning needs? Schedule a demo or pilot with us today.


If you’re already a Pinnacle Series or Pinnacle Lite customer, you can log in now to take advantage of our training features perfect for small teams and organizations.



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